Material Science and Advanced Spectroscopy

This research group is active since 1995 at the University of Camerino and has gradually expanded the core activities, originally based on the development of X-ray absorption spectroscopy.  Current activities are broadly based on the development and application of advanced characterization techniques to basic and applied materials. Techniques include x-ray fluorescence, x-ray diffraction Raman scattering and electron microscopy carried out in our laboratories, as well as widely recognized activities at large-facilities exploiting synchrotron, X-FEL and neutron sources.

Present research activities

  • Development of new data-analysis and simulation methods for x-ray absorption and related techniques using synchrotron radiation and FELs. Link to more infos. 
  • Structural and optical characterization of advanced nanomaterials for energy-related applications. Link to more infos. 
  • Matter under extreme conditions using advanced spectroscopic techniques at synchrotron radiation (high pressure/high temperature cells) and free-electron-laser facilities. Link to more infos. 

Recent Projects

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