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Marco Minicucci


I am a technician at the School of Science and Technology, Physics Division-University of Camerino. I hold a Laurea (Bachelor’s degree) from the University of Camerino (1996) and after some grants awarded by CNR I turned in a permanent position at the University of Camerino (2001). My area of expertise are limited to optical (Raman) and x-ray spectroscopies (X-Ray Absorption, X-Ray Fluorescence), X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), optical microscopy, electron microscopy (SEM) and imaging techniques applied to historical heritage (IR reflectography an thermography). My main responsibilities are conducting experiments, processing samples, and/or gathering data. I am currently responsible of the “Electron Microscopy Lab” and “Raman Spectroscopy Lab” of the School of Science and Technology. Astrophotography is a hobby with a wide appeal for me.